Monday, May 4, 2009

When Pigs Fly...and they did!!!

I really don't even know if anyone reads this blog anymore...I don't get many comments except from my two most dedicated readers, my sis-in-law Laura and my friend from college Dawn. Thanks girls!
Well this weekend was such any awesome time that it is blogworthy for sure! Jake and I and some friends drove to Cincinnati and ran in the Flying Pig Marathon!!! Jake was the only brave soul to take on the full marathon and he was amazing finishing in just over 5 hrs. The rest of us stuck with the still daunting 1/2 marathon. I ran a personal best by far, finishing in 2 hrs and 14 min. It was my third go at half marathons and quite possibly my last. Jake took on the full 26.2 in my honor for having such a great year and I ran the half bc I just love to was just bc I could.
It was an awesome weekend but hopping in the car for a 5 hr drive directly after a looong run isn't something I'd recommend. Here are some pics!

rented a minivan for the trip!

erin, liz and i with the pig

race morning!

still dark at the race start

ready to go

we did it!

Jake crossing the finish line

refueling afterwards!

Friday, March 20, 2009


That's right! Exactly one year ago my life changed just a smidge. But you sure wouldn't know it now. I act the same, I talk the same and I like to think I look the same!
Just wanted to again say thank you for all the things done for me over the past year bringing me back to where I am. Here are a few of them, but certainly not all of them!
-Nikki and Laura for starting this blog
-My parents, family and friends for visiting me in the hospital
-Everyone for sending treats, flowers, cards and posting notes on here
-My mom for moving in and taking care of me and Jake
-My girlfriends for visiting me and bringing cake
-My dad and brother for making the trip several times
-Larry and Joyce for making the even longer trip
-Everyone who put in a good word to the Lord above for me
-Nathan and Liz for bringing me food NOT from the hospital
-And finally, Jake for putting up with all my crap. The guy didn't know what he signed up for but with the grace of God he's been a rock.
Is the music starting to play yet? I feel like I'm thanking people when you win an Oscar...and to the producer of this wonderful film... :)
Oh, and a couple things I'd like to say I'm sorry breath in the ICU, to mom and Jake for having to help with the voids and BMs, to my dad for telling him when I was out of it that he couldn't go home when he had to, to my mom again for repeatedly complaining about my hair-do, and to anyone I complained to about physical therapy being too hard!
Cheers to many more healthy years ahead.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's All Good

Had a follow up appointment with my neurologist and he reaffirmed that things look great up there! The vessel has reopened remarkably and there is no eclusion...basically the clot has dissolved/condensed wonderfully and blood is flowing without blockage! I'm weaning off the blood thinners and will be free of them in a matter of weeks! Bring on the full contact sports and sky diving :)
The seizue meds are something I'll be on as long as I choose to be. Since I won't be able to drive at all for 5-6 months while I wean off those and for a few months after, I'm going to have to find the most convenient time if there is one. Probably looking at next Jan. or so.
This Friday will be the 1 year anniversary for my stroke and I can't believe it's been that long! What a crazy and blessed year! How lucky I am!
Other than that, we've been traveling fools with my trips to Boise then Miami, we went to St. Louis for the weekend to see some friends, Jake heads to DC for the rest of the week for work....and many more fun and work trips planned for the summer! We don't seem to know how to sit still.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The MRI Spaceship

I could do without another MRI or MR-Veinogram for let's say the next...FOREVER. Apparently I was a little more out of it then I thought I was for the others I had. I do NOT remember having my head put in a cage, another contraption/torture device placed on my chest and locked into the head cage and then being shoved into the MRI spaceship where you have to wear headphones or earplugs bc of the deafening sounds! I'm not claustraphobic, but it just seems like when you aren't supposed to move you just want to move that much more! But I survived with my trusty hubby by my side (what a trooper, he even parted with his blackberry to be with me).
They don't tell you much about what they see so we'll have to wait for the doc apt. next Tues. for results. They did have to take extra pics but weren't really clear on the reason why...view wasn't clear for a good shot of the "problem area." Excuse me, but I thought the "problem area" was supposed to be minimized or in check at this point?!?! Note to medical staff: if you can't say anything of substance or answer questions, please don't say anything.
So until next week I'll be questioning the "problem area" and watching a new bruise develop from the IV. Awesome.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Sis and a Trip to Boise

Well it's always something! Since I'm about to reach my one year mark, I guess my sister decided to keep things interesting and hog all the attention with some minor pregnancy issues. She and baby boy are doing well now, but mom flew out to help with 18 month old Jacksen when she went to the hospital about 3 weeks ago. She's had some bleeding and contractions that put her on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy and got her a week in the hospital. So after being home for a week or so, more of the same issues and back in the hospital the day after I flew in for a visit. Needless to say, I only spent one night at their house and the rest of the time I've been here in the hospital with her. Good sister bonding time! She's at 34 weeks today and things are going really well, everything seems under control and per the ultrasound this morning the baby is 4lbs 13oz so he's in good shape! Mom is still here and I have a feeling will be until after the baby comes! Poor lady hasn't spent much time at her own house in the last year bw me and Nikki's hospital stays! And dad is left as a bachelor at home to fend for himself. God bless 'em both!
I'm headed back to Peoria today to see how the dog and cat are getting along under Jake's supervision. Not ready to leave Nik but that's the way it goes. Here are a few pics from my visit.

Nik's 29th bday is the hospital

Jacksen and best bud Gunther

me and Jack playing in the yard

Sunday, January 25, 2009

All good news!

Although we've been covered in snow and ice all winter, we've managed to fit in some adventures. Recently, we went hiking at Starved Rock to check out the frozen waterfalls that people climb. It was awesome! See the pictures below...
Also, some FANTASTIC news I found out on Friday is...drum roll please...I got a fulltime job at the United Way!!!!! I've been working there since September as an Ambassador and they extended my contract through Feb. on a part time they've offered me a permanent spot as a Campaign Associate! It starts March 2nd. YAY!!!
Lastly, a little medical update. Since my one year anniversay of the stroke is just around the corner, I've scheduled my MRI and MR Venogram (where they run dye through your veins) for the beginning of March. Pending good results, I'll be weaned off the blood thinner...finally. Then there's the issue of the seizure meds. It's my choice if/when to wean off those, but I will...and when I do that means NO driving for 5-6 months. Wonderful. We'll cross that bridge when it comes...
The new year is off to a great start for us and we hope it is for you too!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Jake!

Today is Jake's birthday and I just have to show everyone what a true character I've married! Below is Jake in his "birthday suit" he wore to work today. God love him! We celebrated by going to a great dive bar known for serving up his favorite meal...cheese burgers! We were not disappointed.
Gotta run but just wanted to share!