Note from Lea Ann, as dictated to Debbie and posted by Nikki:
I finally got a chance and the energy to check the blog. I can't say how much I appreciate the thoughts and prayers from friends, new and old. I keep saying it just takes a stroke to realize how loved you are. I'm getting stronger everyday and the cards and flowers mean so much. My attitude stays positive as I see small improvements everyday. I even walked 30 steps with a hemi-walker the other day. I couldn't ask to be in a better hospital with better therapists. Please continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers because I can truly say they have helped me get as far as I have. Gotta go--I'm getting tired. It takes all the energy I have to focus for a little while as my attention span has been affected. Love Lea Ann
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Weekend Update
She's still improving daily! She's taking more steps and getting more use of her right side each day. She's been having pretty bad headaches at night though, which prevent her from getting good rest. Jake says the doctors are telling them it's from the pressure & swelling, which is common with any head injury. Just in case, they did another CAT scan, which confirmed this. They are also changing up her meds, which can also cause the headaches. Jake asks that eveyone continue to pray, since it's difficult for her to give 100% at physical therapy when the headaches aren't allowing her much rest. Despite this, her spirits are up and she's as determined as ever.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Lea's Visitor

Along with many friends and relatives, Lea Ann was allowed a visit by her cat, Macy. Jake has been sending pictures to post to the blog, so we'll keep them coming as he sends them.

Thursday the 27th Update
Debbie called with our "progress report" today. Things are looking really good from the sounds of it. Lea Ann took her first actual shower this morning (sitting in the shower, but actually in it!) Said she, "Felt like a person again." Her therapies include two rounds of Physical Therapy daily and two sessions with Occupational therapy and one with speech therapy. They get breaks for lunch and somewhere in there, Jake and Debbie work her out twice a day. Whew! Makes me tired just listening to her! On Wednesday and Thursday Lea Ann had been having some numbness in her mouth and left hand that caused some concern for the therapists, so they ordered a CAT scan for precautions, which showed everything was fine. They told her that the numbness was good since everything's "waking up." She showed some progress with her right arm today in that she was able to shrug her right shoulder. And I guess the physical therapist almost fell over when Lea Ann impressed her so much by getting up on her hands and knees by herself! She's now able to get to the bathroom with assistance for balance. Jake really made her day and brought Macey, her cat, in to see her. Debbie said Lea was covered in cat hair when Jake left with Macey and Lea Ann just wanted to fall asleep. But momma wouldn't let her sack out until the bed linens and her clothes were clean again. :o)
Debbie said Lea Ann has good spirits most of the time, but has broke down on occasion. Like the psychologist said, "We'd be more worried if she didn't break down every now and then." She's laughing at herself from time to time. Debbie said she handed Lea Ann a comb and Lea Ann started combing her nose and got tickled. Like Debbie said, "You gotta laugh!" Lea Ann is even figuring out things that no one else would think about. For instance, Rice Krispies stick together on the spoon better than Cheerios, so she can maneuver the spoon to her mouth easier with a clump on it. I got tickled at that one.
The doctors were suppose to meet with the therapists today to re-evaluate Lea Ann's progress and maybe have a better time frame of her length of stay at Methodist. They want to keep her as long as possible for maximum one-on-one benefits and to get the most out of her therapy in the early recovery stages.
Rumor has it that Lea Ann got a chance to look at her blog yesterday, so make sure you're commenting to her! She's getting everything on here, so take a moment and jot her a line or two! Every ounce of encouragement means so much to her!
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
Debbie said Lea Ann has good spirits most of the time, but has broke down on occasion. Like the psychologist said, "We'd be more worried if she didn't break down every now and then." She's laughing at herself from time to time. Debbie said she handed Lea Ann a comb and Lea Ann started combing her nose and got tickled. Like Debbie said, "You gotta laugh!" Lea Ann is even figuring out things that no one else would think about. For instance, Rice Krispies stick together on the spoon better than Cheerios, so she can maneuver the spoon to her mouth easier with a clump on it. I got tickled at that one.
The doctors were suppose to meet with the therapists today to re-evaluate Lea Ann's progress and maybe have a better time frame of her length of stay at Methodist. They want to keep her as long as possible for maximum one-on-one benefits and to get the most out of her therapy in the early recovery stages.
Rumor has it that Lea Ann got a chance to look at her blog yesterday, so make sure you're commenting to her! She's getting everything on here, so take a moment and jot her a line or two! Every ounce of encouragement means so much to her!
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday March 25th and Wednesday the 26th
Talked wtih Debbie and I guess between the Physical therapy and the Occupational therapy, there was just no time left in the first day of rehab. They had Lea Ann up from 1130am until that evening around 4pm. We did find out after she entered PT that the stroke affected the left side as well. Once again, complete recovery is likely. She still has not moved her right hand, but continues to have sensation in it, which is a good sign. She did, however, help lift the right leg during her exercises! The physical therapists are asking that the family refrain from assisting Lea Ann in her activities as much as possible. Debbie said that has been the hardest thing for her (as a mother) to do yet. But this will help Lea Ann gain her strength faster instead of relying on others from the beginning. She was able to hold a glass to drink and fed herself with some difficulty since the coordination of the left side is still a bit lacking. Debbie and Jake were instructed on certain exercises from the physical therapist that they'll have to do with Lea Ann twice a day in addition to her scheduled PT and OT. So continue to pray for strength for the caregivers as well!
Debbie emailed on Wednesday evening and said Jake had returned to work for the first time today (Bradley University is just a few minutes from the hospital.) Lea Ann was so busy with her therapy. Said it started at 7am this time and "not a free moment" all day. Some of the things Lea Ann tackled today were sitting up, assisting herself to her wheelchair, taking a couple steps with help, and rolling over in bed well now. Just like Debbie says, "So many things we take for granted..." She also gave herself a bath today. Debbie says her mood is really good, but she is totally exhausted. She's such a fighter! They plan to get her up at 7am on Thursday for her first shower. I bet Lea Ann can't wait for that!
Lea Ann needs all the encouragement she can get and we continue to encourage cards be sent to her at the above address. Keep those prayers coming as well!
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase; just take the first step." ~Martin Luther King, Jr. <
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Up to this point...
Lea Ann awoke in the night on Wednesday March 19th with complaints of a severe headache, chest pain, and said her right arm was numb, "almost like it was asleep." Jake took her to the ER and she was admitted with what they first thought was a migraine. She developed slurred speech somewhere in this timeframe. However, as time passed, Lea Ann had some seizure episodes that made them think otherwise. An MRI was done indicating that there was a blood clot on the brain between the right and left lobes near the top of her head. In other words, she had had a stroke. The clot appeared to affect the left side of the brain, which, in turn, affected the right side of her body. She was unresponsive from the time of her first seizure through most of the day on Friday and then on Friday evening, her parents, Kem & Debbie, were talking to her trying to encourage her and Lea Ann tried to lean forward and mumbled the words, "I'm trying." Her first words since the stroke. This was a good sign that her speech was not affected. As the next day progressed, she became more alert, but was still very tired, so she would awaken for a few moments and talk short sentences or reply to those who spoke with her and then close her eyes again. She was able to recognize everyone in the room when she heard their voices. Lea Ann was ready to eat almost immediately when she began speaking since it had been over 2 days since she had had her last meal. The speech therapist came in and assessed her swallowing and decided that she wasn't awake enough to eat yet, so Lea Ann was restricted to ice chips and sips of water until they reassessed her Sunday morning and determined she was swallowing good. By Monday, she was back to a regular diet! "Whoo Hoo!" (as Lea Ann would say!) Monday morning she was awake and alert, talking with her mom, dad, and Jake in complete sentences. She even spoke with some family by phone, but this tired her somewhat. The last I know, she was ordering a cheeseburger! Still not 100% certain what caused this to all happen. Not typical for a 26 year old to have a stroke as we all know. Kem called this morning and found that Lea Ann was able to help lift her right leg during physical therapy this morning! Still not gripping with her right hand yet. Left side is strong and should recover rapidly. The neurologists sounded very optimistic yesterday and even told the family that they can anticipate (over time) a complete recovery! The latest update is that she will be moving from the Neuro unit to the Rehabilitation Unit to begin intense physical and occupational therapy today (Tuesday). They anticipate her to be there for about 4 weeks. Many thanks to all of you who have kept Lea Ann and her family in your prayers. THIS IS PROOF OF THE POWER OF PRAYER! Please continue to keep them in your thoughts during the long haul. This is just the beginning of a brighter tomorrow for everyone!
"One should take children's philosophy to heart. They never despise a bubble because it burst; they immediately set to work to blow another one~"
"One should take children's philosophy to heart. They never despise a bubble because it burst; they immediately set to work to blow another one~"
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