This week, Lea Ann and Jake celebrated their 6 month wedding anniversary. They dug into the top layer of their wedding cake and it tasted suprisingly good! They also attended a black tie event for Bradley University's Campaign Kick Off...those bridesmaid's dresses from their weding came in pretty handy for Lea Ann! She even tried her luck in heels for the first time!
Over the weekend, Kem came up to visit. We all headed up to the tennis courts where Lea Ann continued to work on her game. She even took a ten minute jog around the courts to work on building endurance. She continues to fight fatigue after a day of activities but keeps busy throughout the day focusing on using her right hand in daily tasks.
Another local TV station is planning a story on her stroke and recovery and will interview her both at her house and in therapy next week. The local paper is interviewing her tomorrow for an article as well. We'll make sure to post both stories when they're available!