Friday, April 11, 2008

Her Story on Channel 25 News

Here is the link to the story and video clip that Channel 25 did on Lea Ann today. They decided not to wait for Stroke Awareness in May and did a human interest/health awareness story right away.
Talked with Debbie last night. Sounds like Lea Ann's getting back in the swing of normal life! She had to make a grilled cheese sandwich as part of her occupational therapy yesterday. Can you believe that Jake wouldn't even eat it? He has to be getting tired of cheeseburgers by now, surely! Lea goes in for her first TV interview today (Friday). Sounds like there may be more than one local channel interested in her story! She'll start outpatient physical therapy today as well and then Debbie says next week they'll start their "routine" with PT, OT, and Lea's home exercises. She said they have to make themselves get into a routine in order to avoid being lazy. So, Lea Ann, watch out! :O)