Sunday, January 25, 2009

All good news!

Although we've been covered in snow and ice all winter, we've managed to fit in some adventures. Recently, we went hiking at Starved Rock to check out the frozen waterfalls that people climb. It was awesome! See the pictures below...
Also, some FANTASTIC news I found out on Friday is...drum roll please...I got a fulltime job at the United Way!!!!! I've been working there since September as an Ambassador and they extended my contract through Feb. on a part time they've offered me a permanent spot as a Campaign Associate! It starts March 2nd. YAY!!!
Lastly, a little medical update. Since my one year anniversay of the stroke is just around the corner, I've scheduled my MRI and MR Venogram (where they run dye through your veins) for the beginning of March. Pending good results, I'll be weaned off the blood thinner...finally. Then there's the issue of the seizure meds. It's my choice if/when to wean off those, but I will...and when I do that means NO driving for 5-6 months. Wonderful. We'll cross that bridge when it comes...
The new year is off to a great start for us and we hope it is for you too!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Jake!

Today is Jake's birthday and I just have to show everyone what a true character I've married! Below is Jake in his "birthday suit" he wore to work today. God love him! We celebrated by going to a great dive bar known for serving up his favorite meal...cheese burgers! We were not disappointed.
Gotta run but just wanted to share!