Well it's always something! Since I'm about to reach my one year mark, I guess my sister decided to keep things interesting and hog all the attention with some minor pregnancy issues. She and baby boy are doing well now, but mom flew out to help with 18 month old Jacksen when she went to the hospital about 3 weeks ago. She's had some bleeding and contractions that put her on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy and got her a week in the hospital. So after being home for a week or so, more of the same issues and back in the hospital the day after I flew in for a visit. Needless to say, I only spent one night at their house and the rest of the time I've been here in the hospital with her. Good sister bonding time! She's at 34 weeks today and things are going really well, everything seems under control and per the ultrasound this morning the baby is 4lbs 13oz so he's in good shape! Mom is still here and I have a feeling will be until after the baby comes! Poor lady hasn't spent much time at her own house in the last year bw me and Nikki's hospital stays! And dad is left as a bachelor at home to fend for himself. God bless 'em both!
I'm headed back to Peoria today to see how the dog and cat are getting along under Jake's supervision. Not ready to leave Nik but that's the way it goes. Here are a few pics from my visit.

Nik's 29th bday is the hospital

Jacksen and best bud Gunther
me and Jack playing in the yard