Debbie called for a quick update Monday evening. Lea Ann took 55 STEPS with her hemi-walker this day, which is a BIG accomplishment! She continues with the headaches, so they started her on a steroid every 6 hours to try to get the inflammation down a bit to help ease her pain. Headaches have kinda been interfering with her PT since she can't give 100% when she's hurting. She's taking a pain pill every morning now just to avoid the headaches so she can concentrate more. Her mom says she's tired, but working really hard. They've been weaning her off her seizure meds and today was the final day. The best thing I heard was that Lea Ann has been throwing her right arm above her head today. She was doing it while I was talking with Debbie on the phone...trying to show off, I think! :o) Tony and Kem went to visit Lea Ann this weekend and had a great time. Lea Ann even sat down for a game of Sequence with them. But one game was enough for her. As she mentioned, her attention span isn't up to par just yet. I can only imagine how drained she is after a full day of her routine too. Tony was truly amazed at how far she's come since we seen her in ICU. He said she doesn't remember much in the beginning. She doesn't remember being in ICU. She remembers coming to the hospital and remembers why she came in and she recalls tensing up before her first big seizure- and the rest was a blur. But they had her on medications and she was pretty well asleep most of the in-between time, so it's no surprise. He said this weekend she was able to finally move herself into her bed from the wheelchair with no assistance and was even able to lift her right leg into the bed! She normally had to slide her left foot under her right leg to help lift it into bed, but she moved it all by itself this time. He said she struggled the first time, but by the time she did it again, she had less difficulty. The third time was like second nature. It really helps the family to be able to see her progress first hand. Talked with Debbie today, Wednesday April 2nd and Lea Ann was up waiting for the next round of therapy. Said she took 85 steps Tuesday and they have now officially graduated her to a cane walker. What strides! Debbie said their goal today is to teach Lea Ann how to get up if she ever happens to fall. So, of course, the ol' "I've fallen and can't get up" quote came up in the conversation... Debbie said Lea Ann had a really good day yesterday and is "up, rarin' to go" this morning. Jake sent some pictures to show everyone her accomplishments so far. Lea Ann continues to check her blog, so keep the comments rolling!

Ok -- do you rent your mom out? I was looking at her shaving your legs and thought --- hmmm.... You might be able to bring in some money on the side! BTW you need to delete that one before Emily gets any ideas:D Oh, and the card from John (you should get it today), he just HAD to get it for you -- he was laughing all the way to the register! Keep up the good work! Love ya-Diane
Hi LeaAnn,
It's SO great to hear you're getting better. Thinking of you often and praying for continued progress. We miss you girl! The NCTA folks have been asking about you, too! Love ya! Pam
Hey, it is great to hear you are doing well. Continue to keep your head up high and don't let your guard down. You are still in our thoughts and prayers.
Amy (Dunn) Smotherman
Lea Ann, this is great news to hear your progress. Wow, your physical therapy sounds like olympic training. I'm so glad Macy came to visit you. I bet Jake had to pull him away from you! Everyone is thinking of you and remembering you in prayer. You are on so many prayer chains. They are truly working to. Many blessings are coming your way girl. God bless and take care.
Barbara Wyatt
Sis, you look great--really, Mom is doing a great job with your ponytail! Is that a bottle of Bacardi "To Go" I see you pretending to sip?! Gee, I wonder what wonderful, thoughtful person sent you that?! And where did she get it from?!
Keep working hard--Jack says a special prayer for his Aunt Lea in his bedtime prayers...well, with some help.
Peas and Carrots,
PS Remind me to tell you the "Goosetape" story of our Goddaughter--it's hilarious!
Hey Lea Ann: It's so good to hear the great progress you are making. It wears me out just reading what all you are accomplishing! Love your pictures, as they say, each one is worth a thousand words. Every where we go, people are asking about you and telling us they are praying for you.
The weatherman talked like we may have to get out our row boats again tomorrow, but today the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming and I would pick you a bouquet of jonquils if I could deliver them to you, but since I can't, we send our love. Grandma and Grandpa Friga
Hey Lea Ann
You look great!! We are so happy to hear of your tremendous progress and we wish you a speedy full recovery.
Did we hear Gavin has a new baby cousin????
Give Jake and Mike our best!
laurie, josh, & gavin
Lea Ann,
I check your blog everyday and it is like a little piece of sunshine each time to see how you have progressed and to hear about how far you have come! We are very proud of you!
Thinking about you each day...Jake, Debbie and family we think about you too!
Andrea and Wade
Hey Lea Ann,
We're praying for you and can tell you're giving everything you've got and will continue to make great strides!
Marcus, Angie & Sean
hey lea ann what a great job you are doing! I'm so proud of you for working so hard. We are praying for your recovery and with your hard work you can do it. Oh, by the way who won the bet? You or your Dad? Ha! Love you all! Keep working hard! Marla and Gene too.
Wow Lea Ann! You look 200% healthier and happier! That's the beauty of a "recovery blog" We can see how well you do from the very beginning! (and you've made such huge strides in a matter of days! I can only imagine what you'll be doing in a couple of weeks!)
Keep up the hard work and the smiles :)
Love Carrie
Hey Lea Ann!
I love seeing these pictures! It really shows you're doing great!!! Keep up the hard work! Hope you'll be ready to play NERTZ at least once when I come up!
Love you!
Lea Ann,
You look great! Keep up the hard work and get better, soon!
Sis is going to hug you for all of us!
Paige, Obie and kids
Sleazy Man,
Sorry, had to go old school on ya :)
Glad to see you are doing so great. Very happy to see you up and about and doing so well. I am rootin for you all the way. Take care I'll catch ya soon.
Love Kimberly
All of your relatives in Colorado are praying for your speedy recovery. You look terrific and sounds like your not gonna let this get the best of you. "You Go Girl".Knowing the genes you come from we're not surprised at your strength.Keep up the good work sweetie, we're all behind you.
Love your
Cousin Donell
Hello again
Keeping up to date through your blog...what does BLOG mean, anyway? Sure is a handy-dandy thing. Happy to hear of your progress. If you're able to walk and bounce a basketball at the same time that would be an IMPROVEMENT from when you played basketball at Willow, wouldn't it? Had a nice conversation with your dad and mom. Sure is nice to have those old farts around about now...I know you appreciate that.
Weather bad...expect more storms here tonight. You're sure not missing out on any sun tan weather.
Hope you haven't forgotten you owe me a hug when you see me again. Signing off for now.
Love, Jim and Jane
Hey Lea Ann,
Just wanted to let you know that we are all think of you and praying for a speedy recovery. It look like you are really getting better every day. You are my first "blog", how about that.
Love Vicki Daniels
Hey Lea Ann, I check the blog everyday to see how you are doing. You look great. I saw this verse today and it made me think of you.
"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
We will pray for your headaches to cease and for your perservance and endurance. Daryl, Margie, Nataleigh and Kinsleigh
Lea Ann,
[God says], do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
- Isaiah 41:10 (New International Version)
I know He is with you, you are so kind and caring – and ornery. You are making great strides and I'm so proud to see it. You're in our thoughts and prayers. We love you dearly.
The Daniels Family
Crystal, Chris, Blake and Evan
How are things so far today? Heard your mom on the way home today...still trying to negotiate St. Louis according to your dad...cold and overcast here again...gloomy since you've been gone (hey that sort of sounds like a song).
Jane has me working like a dog again today. Just because she's a CPA and busy thinks EVERYONE should be working. Even getting me to cook some meals but at least I cook them the way I want (anyone for burned hot dog water?).
Sending a basket of goodies back to you with your mom as long as all the guys at Tony's Tire left you some. Don't throw all the fruit away and just eat the candy (but especially don't let anybody get the beer I snuck in there).
We both think about you every day...keep getting better...that's an order.
Love, Jim and Jane
I just had to tell you that I'm wearing a CUTE necklace and matching earrings today! They're new! HA!HA!
Love ya!
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