Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Dream Team is Going Home!

Lea Ann has been cleared to go home even earlier than anticipated. Her therapist have run out of drills for her. She is checking out tomorrow morning, Thursday, Arpil 10th. Here are some pics of Lea, Jake, and Debbie--The Dream Team! Lea Ann has been progressing so well, she will be getting some more company in the coming weeks--in-laws, siblings, and all 3 of her Friga nephews. You know she is getting along pretty well if she can handle Bryce, Ryan, and The Jack Attack, all at once! Thank You, Jake and Mom, for taking such good care of her through this ordeal. Such trying times can be as difficult on the family as on the patient. Congratulations Lea--you are truly an inspiration to us all. WE LOVE YOU!


Langford Family said...

Sis--11 days and we'll be seeing you. I'm serious about bringing my Tae Bo tapes. Billy Blank will kick both our tails! Tell Jake he needs to shave--those high dollar donors don't want to see his 5 o'clock shadow. Ha! Love you Jake!

tlfriga said...

WOW! I was really hoping that you guys would get a picture of the three of you together! Not that anyone would ever forget the images in their minds of the three of you taking this thing "head-on" day-by-day. I'm guessing Lea Ann must've dulled the razor when she FINALLY shaved... Jake's lookin' kinda wooley! But I like it! Deb, make sure you childproof the house since it sounds like we'll be heading up for a visit soon! :o) Take care- ALL OF YOU! ~Laura

LaurelH said...

Lea Ann,

We're so proud of you for your speedy accomplishments!!!! You should be on the cover of all physical therapy books, and your pic should be in the dictionary next to DETERMINED!!! We're looking forward to seeing you when things calm down around your house.

Um...what's on Jake's face???

Congrats again!!!!

Laurel, Brian and Carter

Unknown said...

Wow, Great to Hear everybody. Nicole and I are looking forward to seeing you soon when things calm down as well. Good luck, and we're both glad you're heading home!


The Stir's said...

So, I don't guess I have to ask "how's it going" -- cause I'm sure the answer would be-- JUST GREAT!! Make sure you crack the whip around the house for quite awhile -- this is a GREAT time to get Jake trained in the art of house cleaning and cooking. Remember we have to train/teach them otherwise it is a lost cause. So tell your mom to sit still (I know that will be hard) so that you can get Jake "into shape"
Congrats on your super recovery!
Love Diane, John, Emily & Luke

kim said...

Glad to know that things are fantabulous! Great talking to you the other day. I know you are looking forward to all your visitors. I will ring ya up when it has all calmed down a little. Keep doing great are an inspiration to all of us. Much Love,