Lea Ann had some visitors this weekend...Trish, Caitlin, Dawn and Macey...Brian and Amy Carroll (Jake's friend and his wife) came up too. We have found out that Lea is also being diagnosed with epilepsy. They can't be certain she actually has it, it is more likely she had seizures induced by the stroke. However, the only way to be certain is to take her off the seizure medicine and wait and see if she has another seizure (which she could actually have epilepsy and not have another seizure for several years). This means that along with the blood thinner Cumodin, she will be on the seizure medicine Keppra for the rest of her life (they believe). We are being told that we should seek a second opinion at the Mayo Clinic, however, because Lea Ann is such a rare case. As her doctor said, "when you hear hooves stomping outside you should believe it is horses not zebras." In Lea Ann's case though he said she is a zebra. Therefore we will be working on taking her to the Mayo Clinic to decide if she should be on the blood thinner or not.
PT -Lea Ann did defensive slides (aka the duck walk), learned how to jump again on one or two feet, did wall squats and finally pulled her therapist around using resistance bands. Today was a WORKOUT!!! She actually had to stop a little early because she got a little light headed.
Though Lea Ann will be going home on Friday (Woo-Hoo!), we will not be posting her home address/phone number to the blog, for safety reasons. Since this is an open blog and anyone can view it, we thought it best to keep that information off the website--gotta watch out for the weirdos out there! If you really want to send her something after Friday, contact a family member for the address and that person can make a judgement call. And of course, you can continue to keep in contact with her via the blog though, since we will be updating it until she is fully recovered.

Lea Ann;
Nice to hear from you kid. I think your mind is getting weird from all the candy.
Have a good time at home. If you do go to Mayo let me know...we have relatives in Rochester and I bet we could help out with your lodging.
What beer...we didn't send any beer...
Love, Jim and Jane
I'm so glad to hear you'll be going home soon, I bet you can't wait. Time to celebrate, not to much though! Take care sweetie. I'll stay in touch with your mom for updates.
Love Cousin Donell
Wow -- One more full day of hospital food! Don't be SO disappointed! I'm sure you have become quite the connoisseur -- heck you probably won't even want home cooked meals as they will be so BLAH ;)
Here it is cold and they are talking about snow flurries on Friday -- NOT my kind of weather! Chat with you later - Love Diane
Zebra, eh? Couldn't the doctor come up with something like a gazelle or (the girls are suggesting moose or unicorn). Considering your Missouri roots, maybe more of a mule?
Enjoy having someone deliver food to your bedside while you can... no matter what it tastes like!
We're all still pulling for you!
Anita, Chuck, Sienna, and Sheridan
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